Finished Writing Book #32

When is a book ever done? Or DONE done? It’s hard to say. But I know it when I finally finish it. I finished this novel in April, but then I felt that it needed an epilogue. That wasn’t a new thought because I had drafted multiple versions of this epilogue over the last six months, but I waffled back and forth and wasn’t sure if I wanted to include an epilogue at all. However, today I suddenly rewrote the entire epilogue, and I finished it at 3100+ words. Sometimes I write more words than that on a good writing day, and sometimes fewer words on a not-so-good writing day, so 3000 words are an average day’s work. I sent my new and final epilogue to my editor, and that marks the completion (final, really!) of this novel.

Find Never a Fugitive (Defender Sweethearts Book 3) in the Summer Suspicions boxed set:

I’m already writing Book #33 when I took a break to write that elusive epilogue. My next novel is a fluffy story (with hot fires) and it will be a Christmas romance in a coastal city. Stay tuned for Wish You Faith (Christmas Sweethearts Book 1), which will debut in the Finding Love at Christmas box set:

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