I found out this year that there’s such a thing as the Day of the Programmer. As a former software and database programmer, I was happy there’s a day for my past career. I remember working long hours, sometimes 14-16 hours a day, programming and writing software for multiuser platforms. I enjoyed those days, but I am happy to leave it all behind and spend my days writing novels instead.
This year, this special day falls on September 13, 2022. I read that they used binary numbers to calculate this day and it lands on the 256th day of the year. This converts into 2 to the power of 8, which is 100000000 in the binary system. As you know, our common numbering system is the decimal system.
I am familiar with the binary system because it’s the building block of computing. On and off. One and zero. In fact, I named my near-future technothriller series Binary Hackers for this reason. In the first book, we meet Cayson Yang, whose company is called Binary Systems, Inc.
Here’s what my Binary Hackers series is all about.
Like more suspense with your Christian romance? What about futuristic technothrillers with a dash of cyberpunk science fiction? Check out these inspirational Christian romantic technothriller collections, starting with Binary Hackers, the prelude to a new series to come, featuring hackers and security specialists living at the edge of cyberspace, where they have to juggle being law-abiding truth-telling Christians while carrying out their assignments by any and all means possible to save the world from the brink of destruction. If you’re looking for clean suspense without compromising the Christian faith, and in which Christians have to live out their belief while functioning in a high-tech secular world, these books are for you.
Book 1: Zero Sum (FBI Special Agent Stella and IT guy Cayson)
Book 2: Zero Day (Mossad agent Yona and disgraced hacker Kelvin)
Book 3: Zero Out (CIA Protector Agent Dario and computer specialist Iseul)
Book 4: Zero Trust (Wannabe vigilante Mira and former soldier Briscoe)
Book 5: Zero Defect
Book 6: Zero Option